At Bajwa Developers Ltd, Corporate Social Resposibilty has been the core of our business right from inception in the year 2001.We have incorporated CSR into our business model. We feel responsible towards core basic universal problems like water, air, poverty and health issues. These problems don’t see borders. Fighting these problems is a collective responsibility where we play an important role. It is our endeavour to undertake projects that aim to deliver in a sustainable and economically logical way.

Giving back to our people- who work with us, live with us and buy from us, also gives us pleasure that can’t be defined in words. Even people appreciate such initiatives and participate enthusiastically in our programmes and maintain their loyalty as customers.

The drive against pollution is ubiquitous across the group. We work on pollution issues through various drives held regularly. During a recent plantation drive, we planted 1000 saplings in our area. Also cleanliness drives are held from time to time where all staff members including the Managing Director makes efforts to create a cleaner environment.

We also provide aid to local organisations and help uplift the weaker sections of society.

A nation progresses only if the children are educated. Our endeavour is also to provide free education to the under privileged children. We have built schools – Honey Dew Public School and Sunny Public School where seats are reserved and we provide free education to the poor and deserving children.